We are big fans of a great deal! This is why we have included easy-to-use discounts so we can share the joy!
Make your way over to the Settings page, under the Invoice and Payment Settings section, click Discounts. If you have any discounts setup already you’ll see them here. To add a new one, click + Add a Discount:
Now it's time to name your discount and Select Discount Type:
Here you will see three different options for discount types:
A Fixed Discount Amount will be the dollar amount that will be subtracted from the total price. It is a set price that will not change! These are great for New Patient discounts, if you wanted to have a Fixed Discount Amount of $50 off a New Patient Appointment, this will take $50 off the total price at checkout.
Choose Percentage if you want to take a percent of the total value off. For example, 50% off will cut the total price in half!
The last option, Open, is for when you want to set the discount amount individually each time you select and use it. Using an Open Discount will allow you to decide the exact discount amount at checkout!
Once you have your Name, Discount Type and Discount Amount (if relevant) set, click Submit and you are good to go!
To Edit an existing discount, from Settings > Discounts click on the arrow icon on the right side of of the discount name you want to edit.
To Delete an existing discount, from Settings > Discounts click on the trashcan icon on the right side of the discount you want to delete .