Keeping track of finances is key to running any business, and it can boil down to things as simple as an Invoice Number for tracking financials. 💸
To edit or update your Invoice Options, head over to Settings > Product, Invoice and Payment Setting > Invoice Options. The upper righthand corner will show you an example of what your invoices will look like with the changes you make.
You can adjust the Next Invoice Number to reflect either a fresh set of Invoices beginning at 01, or allow them to flow from the last invoice you created in your previous EHR or payment management system.
The Prepend modifier will the letters/abbreviation or word you choose to begin your Invoice, with the default as INV, which is short for invoice.
✨Note:✨ Changing the prepend modifier will affect invoices made going forward, and will not retroactively update Invoices already made.
The Prepend Date will put the creation date of the invoice into the invoice number if toggled On, and will be placed between the prepend modifier and the invoice number.
Lastly, the Terms allow you to place any Payment Terms and Conditions you may have for payments taken in the clinic. The title of the Terms should be placed between the heading brackets (shown as <h3> and </h3>). Anything entered may be found on the Invoice Page while the patient is checking out:
And it's as easy as that! 🤩