Handling Insurance is an important part for many clinics when it comes to giving their patients the best care they can - which is why knowing which Insurance Reports to look at is key. Let's break them down! 🗂️
✨Note:✨ You will want to work out of the Claims tab at the top of Clerk when working with claims that need to be submitted to insurance and after the claims have received a response.
Insurance Claims Report: This report contains all claims made, in all statuses, sorted by most recently created to oldest. You can then filter by Claim Status, or search by Patient Name.
Claim Responses Report: This report holds any claims that have a response from either the Clearinghouse (failed to validate, errored, etc.) or the Insurance Company itself (Paid, Rejected, etc). You can filter by status, or sort by Date Generated, Date of Service, Status, Patient Name, and Insurance Company. When you scroll to the right, under the Actions Column, you will see any ERA’s, as well as the option to Duplicate Claim, or View Related Claims.
Denial by Line Item Report: This report breaks each denial down into line item detail where you can view by the date, patient name, insurance company, amount submitted, amount disputed, amount paid, balance remaining, and submitted age.