Looking to add a New Appointment Type? We got you covered!
Head to Settings > Location Settings > Appointment Types:
You will be taken to a page that displays all of your previously added Appointment Types. Click Add an Appointment Type at the top of the page!
Here you will be able to:
Name the Appointment Type
Choose the Appointment Type Color
Set the Appointment Length
Determine the Slot Weight of the Appointment Type**
Add Products/Services to this Appointment Type once the patient has been Checked In
Allow this Appointment Type to Auto SALT so you don't have to!
Assign a Room if the Appointment Type will always go in that Room
✨Note:✨ If a Room is assigned the Appointment Type, then you should not have to assign the Room when scheduling an Appointment for a patient:
Once you have everything the way you need it, simply click Save and you’re all set!
✨PSSST!✨ Please ask someone on our Customer Support Team for help when setting up or changing your Slot Weight! This can affect your Online Scheduling if you are using Aloha, and we like to ensure you and your practice are set up for success! 🙌