Any delivery estimates provided by FedEx, USPS and APC are estimates only and are not guaranteed. We are not able to guarantee specific delivery dates.
FedEx Ground Economy - Typically delivered in 2–7 business days by end of day and transit times are determined by shipping distance.
USPS Media Mail/First Class Mail - Generally delivered in 2-8 business days, but may take up to 2 weeks
USPS Ground Advantage - Delivered in 2-5 business days for packages up to 70 pounds, but may take up to 2 weeks
FedEx Home Delivery - Delivered in 1–5 business days by end of day and transit times are determined by shipping distance.
USPS Priority Mail - This service will deliver your package in approximately 2-3 business days following shipment but may take up to 6 business days
APC (International Shipping) - APC is generally delivered within 7-10 business days of shipment to most international addresses.** Duties and Taxes are included with APC shipping. (**APC is generally delivered within 7-14 business days of shipment to most international addresses. However, due to delays, we have seen orders take up to 3-6 weeks to be delivered in rare cases.)
USPS International - USPS International generally is delivered within 6-10 business days of shipment and to most international addresses. Duties and taxes are NOT included with USPS International shipping.