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Manage Account: Cost Codes & Budgets
Customer Service Team avatar
Written by Customer Service Team
Updated over a week ago

Budget Cost Codes are a crucial component of a user’s T&M Tracking and Timekeeping, and Rhumbix makes it easy to add Cost Code information to your account. This guide will give you step-by-step instructions on navigating Cost Codes and Budgets for your projects.

Accessing Budget Cost Codes Page

Cost Codes and Budget are managed at the project level, meaning they are project-specific. On your Rhumbix Dashboard, navigate to Project Settings and select Budget.


Before modifying any information, you must filter to the project you want to work under. When first navigating to the page, the right rail will open for you to select your project. You can also use the blue filter bar at the top of the page to pen the right rail and select a different project.


How to upload a list of Cost Codes using a CSV file

1. Click here to download Rhumbix's Budget Template CSV.

2. In the blank file, enter your Cost Code, Description, Cost Code Group, Budget Quantity, Unit of Measurement (UoM), and Budget Hours. Please note that items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

3. Save your completed CSV file.


For your convenience, please see below for more information about the Rhumbix Cost Code information fields:

• Cost Code field is mandatory.

○ Cost Code: Name your cost code for the specific task.

• Description: A more detailed representation of the specific task.

• Cost Code Group: A grouping or category for the specific task.

• Budget Quantity: The quantity budgeted for the task.

• Unit of Measurement (UoM): The unit used to measure the task. E.g., Square Feet (SF), Cubic Yards (CY), Pounds (lbs), Hours (HR).

• Budget Hours: The number of hours budgeted for the task.

How to upload Cost Codes to a Project

1. Navigate to Project Settings and select Budget.

2. Select the project to which you want to add the cost codes.

3. Click upload on the top left of the Budget page.


4. Drag your CostCodesBudgetItems.CSV file into this box, or select the file directly using the select file button. You will be notified if there are any errors with the CSV.


5. Click next to confirm, and your CSV will upload and populate the Cost Codes in your Project.


Manually add Cost Codes under Project Settings

1. Navigate to Project Settings and select Budget.

2. Select the project to which you would like to add the cost code(s).

3. Click on “+Add Row” at the top of the page.


4. Enter your Cost Code in the red fields that populate below. Keep in mind that the sections with asterisks (*) require an entry.


Once your Cost Codes are entered on this page, they will be displayed in a list format below. You can click on any column headers to sort as you'd like or utilize the search bar above the grid to look up individual Cost Codes.


You can always find more information on setting up your Rhumbix Account at our Support Center.

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