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Manage Account: API Integrations
Customer Service Team avatar
Written by Customer Service Team
Updated over a week ago

The Rhumbix API allows Rhumbix customers and partners to build integrations with the Rhumbix application. A few common uses include ERP connections, Power BI/Tableau analysis & visualization, and our Excel connector available in the Microsoft AppSource.

Rhumbix Public API Documentation is kept up to date with each release. It outlines in detail how to interact with the Rhumbix Public API. If you are interested in utilizing this feature, we recommend enlisting a web developer familiar with building off of APIs to build an integration between Rhumbix and another system.

Accessing the API Integration

To access Rhumbix data via the API, you need to generate an API credential that gives you a company key and an API key.


How to create new credentials

1. Log into your Rhumbix Dashboard.

2. Navigate to Company Settings and select API Integration. Here you will see a list of all active and inactive integrations.


3. Click "+ Generate New Token" at the top of the page.

4. Create a unique name for your API token.

5. Click Create Token.


Note: You can only have one active API Key at a time and each key needs to always be unique.

You can always find more information on setting up your Rhumbix Account at our Support Center.

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