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End-of-Day Exception Report
Customer Service Team avatar
Written by Customer Service Team
Updated over 2 years ago

The End-of-Day Exception Report pulls exceptions and tracks the questions asked in each timecard. In this high-level report, users can see which workers have exceptions for the end-of-day questions (breaks, stretches, injuries) across timecards.

Data Tiles

  1. Filters. You can select the date range, project(s), foreman, classification(s), and trade(s). When adjusting filters, always press the refresh button to reload your data.

  2. Refresh, Hide Filters, and more options.

  3. Each column signifies a different date. As the date range gets larger, more columns will populate.

  4. Each row signifies a worker who has a time card filled out within the date range.

  5. The data will be plotted where the date and worker intersect in the table. Here, you will either see an exception, no issues, no data, or a null value. **

  6. Legend for each result in the exception report.

Drill-Down Exception Report

When clicking into a plot that says exception, no issues, or no data, you can see detailed data on the worker's shift. This is called the Drill-Down Window. The data you'll see includes the foreman, foreman's phone number, and the screening questions at the end of each worker's shift (breaks, injuries, and stretches).

A worker's shift with no issues will look like this:


You can see that during this workshift, the worker has taken their breaks, was not injured, and took time out to stretch. When the employee answers all the questions and there are no issues, there will be no exceptions listed for this worker in this report.

A worker's shift with exceptions will look like this and show where the exception lies:


In this shift, the worker was not injured but did not have a chance to take a break or stretch. The red boxes will indicate the exception that exists during the workshift.

You can always find more information on Production Tracking on our Support Center.

**add additional screenshots to drill-down section**

**redo numbering for screenshot #1**

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