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Testing a return

Wondering how to test a return, now that you've set up? You're at the right spot.

Rafael Felsemburg avatar
Written by Rafael Felsemburg
Updated over 5 months ago

Let's dive right in:

  1. First things first, let's go ahead and create a test order in Shopify:

    1. In your Shopify Admin, go to Orders -> Create Order.

    2. Create the order as usual, making sure that you have all the necessary information filled in, such as the Customer information alongside the products inside the order. You can take a look at the example here for Scooby Doo, who is definitely not an imaginary customer of ours.

    3. Mark the other as paid and create the order.

    4. On the next screen, we need to make sure that we fulfill the items in the order:

      That's it on Shopify. This will make sure that the order was fulfilled and completed and a return can be requested for it.

  2. Let's go back to Rich Returns.

    1. Head over to your app dashboard and go to Returns Portal -> Customizations -> Open Returns Portal.

    2. Once we're on the landing page of our portal, let's enter the order number and the email address from our order.

    3. When submitting, try to make sure that the return options, reasons and the selections are reflecting your returns policy.

    4. When you've successfully submitted the return, you will see the latest return in your dashboard:

    And that's it! Scooby Doo has successfully submitted his first return. Cheers.

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