RideBits currently supports three merchant accounts/payment gateway providers. If you choose to accept credit card on your RideBits booking form, you will need to sign up for an account with either Stripe or Braintree or Authorize.net
Stripe Instructions
Once you have an account, login to your RideBits account dashboard then go to Settings and Company Info and Edit Payment Gateway Settings
You will need to enter Stripe secret key and Stripe publishable key
Braintree Instructions
Once you have an account, login to your RideBits account dashboard then go to Settings and Company Info and Edit Payment Gateway Settings
You will need to enter your Braintree merchant, public key, private key, and currency
Authorize.net Instructions
Once you have an account, login to your RideBits account dashboard then go to Settings and Company Info and Edit Payment Gateway Settings
You will need to enter your Authorize.net Api login and Authorize transaction key and check test/sandbox mode to No.
Once you click on update settings, you can start processing credit card payments.