How to Export Data for Reporting
Exporting data in RiseKit is incredibly easy and useful for external reporting to stakeholders and managing grant requirements.
To access the Directory export do the following
Login to your RiseKit account at Staff Portal
Move your mouse toward the left-hand navigation.
You will see links that show the following options
Click on Candidates
You will see a table with all of the candidates for your organization.
Creating your own Quick Tab view
Creating a Quick Tab enables you to quickly create a directory view customized to what you need to view about your candidates.
1. In the Candidate view, click Directory Actions. Then select Edit Columns
2. Select the columns you would like to see displayed by checking the boxes next to the User Information.
To rearrange a column under the Manage Selected Columns section on the right-hand side, click directly on the column title to select, drag, and drop in a new location
Then select Save Preferences
3. To export the entire directory view, click Save Tab and add a tab title. You can also filter by choosing the Filter Options to only create a Quick Tab View of certain participants.
Exporting Data from the Quick Tab
1. Within the Quick Tab you created, again select Directory Actions and select Export view (CSV)
2. You will receive a green alert at the bottom of the screen and subsequent email with the CSV File.