System Update Notice: October 31, 2019

Preview of updates to Risk Alive scheduled for October 31 release.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of this article is to provide advanced notice of updates to Risk Alive which will affect users of the platform.  Some smaller features and minor bugs are not included in this advanced notice but will be included, along with all major features, in the System Update Log once the release is live.

PHA Data View

PHA Data View allows users to view the conditioned PHA data from within Risk Alive.  The PHA data provided may not be identical to source data due changes made during the conditioning process (e.g. Safeguard Merging will standardize and adjust safeguard descriptions to increase accuracy of Safeguard Ranking module).

Analytics Data View Filtering
There are two ways to filter within the Data View module:

Global Filter: The main filter bar above the Data View table allows the user to enter any text contained in any field within the source data.  Results are filtered automatically and presented in the data view table.

Column Filter: Users can also filter specifically within a single column or combine multiple filters across different columns to find the information required.  Results are filtered automatically and presented int eh data view table.  Filter criteria can either be entered directly in the Column filter, or optionally, clicking the filter icon will provide additional filter capability.  For example, users can use filter functions such as "Equals" or "Greater than" to find specific information.

Exporting: All results from the table can also be exported in CSV format by clicking the export button.

Landing Page Redesign

The Landing page is a company's portal to all analytics and PHA data available to the enterprise.  This page originally included only a table; listing Analytics results grouped by facility location.  The following changes will be applied to the landing page with this update:

Filtering Results Table
A single filter text box is now provided at the top of the results table which allows the user to filter the results based on any of the provided columns.  For example, if the user is looking for "Amine" units, simply type "Amine".  If the user is looking for all units from a specific facility, simply type the name of the facility.

Analytics Results Table Upgrades
A number of improvements have been made to the analytics results table including the following:

Preview of modules available: These icons show which modules are available in each report which eliminates the need to open the report just to find that out.  Colored icons indicate that the module IS available.  Grayed out icons indicate the module IS NOT available.  Tool tips provide the name of each module when hovered over.

Report icon: The previous "View" link has been replaced with an icon which is used to open the analytics report.  Reports are now opened in a new tab by default.

Facility Unit Comparison List
The Facility Unit Comparison List provides a much faster way to access Unit Comparisons within Risk Alive.  Rather than finding an analytics result which was included in a Unit Comparison, the Unit Comparison can be opened directly from this new list.  Users can also preview which sites were included in the comparison by clicking on and expanding the Comparison using the down arrow for a specific comparison.  Open the Unit Comparison by clicking on the name of the comparison (e.g. "Amine Recovery Unit" shown in blue).  Unit Comparisons are still accessible directly from the main analytics report pages.

Dedicated Facility Unit Comparison Page
Related to the Facility Unit Comparison List, when opening a Unit Comparison from the list on the landing page, Unit Comparison will open in their own dedicated page in a new tab.  This will allow for flexibility in the future as we continue to add more functionality to the Unit Comparison module.

Most Recent Results List
For convenience, Risk Alive has added a recently added results list.  This list will maintain the most recent reports published to an organization.  This will become even more useful when automated notifications are sent to users when new reports are published (coming soon).

Processing Unit Overview Chart
In order to provide a high level overview of the amount of analytics added to a specific client's portal, Risk Alive has added a chart showing the number and variety of processing unit types which are currently available.  This chart is for information purposes only.  We encourage all clients to let us know what other summary charts would be helpful on the Landing Page so we can add them to future releases.

Recommendation Sequence Cloning

Until this release, for a user to create a new Sequence of recommendations, the only option was to click the "New" button and manually add all recommendations to the graph.  This release includes the ability to clone a specific sequence with a unique sequence name thereby eliminating the need to manually add all recommendations to the newly created sequence.

The user must first open the Sequence they wish to clone, then click the clone button which opens the box below.  The user then renames the Sequence and clicks "Clone" which then redirects the user to the newly created sequence.

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