Your ability to manage the regions you're willing to drive in is simple – just update your selected driving regions within your profile.
In case you've recently moved or wish to modify your job request preferences for specific areas, or even expand your reach to include more regions, make sure to adjust your driving region choices in the Road Ninja app.
What to Consider
When choosing the preferred regions you would like to add as available to drive in, consider the alignment of each region with your driving preferences and comfort.
Also note that companies sometimes find themselves in a situation where there are no drivers available in their region and they need someone to assist urgently and thus might consider sending the job request to drivers from other nearby regions.
Updating Your Driving Regions
Open the Road Ninja app
Tap on ‘Profile’
Next, select ‘Experience’
Scroll down to the bottom of the page under the heading ‘Driving Regions’ and click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the block
On the regions selection page, you have the option to choose specific regions on either the North or South Island. Alternatively, you can opt to select all regions on the North or South Island where you'd like to receive job requests.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Save’ to ensure your updated information is saved to your profile
If you have any questions about updating your driver regions, reach out to our support team.