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Use a beta version
Use a beta version

Sometimes you need a fix faster, then you can use a beta version.

Robin Pedersen avatar
Skrevet av Robin Pedersen
Oppdatert over en uke siden

When you need something specific or a fix for something that was broken on your side. You probably want this as fast as possible and dont want to wait for a release from our side.

Luckily, it's easy to use a beta version of the integration.

1 Deactivate current version of plugin

2 Upload and activate beta version

In plugins dashboard.

Upload the beta version file you received from us.

Click "Install now"

Click "Activate plugin"

Then you can use that version until you get a heads up from us that your features has been included in the release.

Go back to using regular version

It's practically the same steps.

Just deactivate beta version.

If you want you can also delete the beta version of the plugin.

Then activate the regular version

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