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Setup test enviroment
Setup test enviroment

Setting up a test enviroment.

Robin Pedersen avatar
Skrevet av Robin Pedersen
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You can test the freight integration in a live/production environment or in a test/dev/sandbox environment. We explain both here.

Live/production environment

You can test sending shipments in production environments by creating test orders.

To do this, ensure that:

  1. Deliveries are not transferred to transporters.

  2. Delete the deliveries in Cargonizer after the test has been completed.

If you are on a free trial with us, there will be no cost from our side. But Logistra will still count each delivery as it will use an actual transport delivery number.

To test with no cost and no manual cleanup, you can setup Wildrobot in a sandbox environment. Logistra requires that you have sandbox access.

Test/dev/sandbox environment

To use the freight integration against test backends you need to switch "Modus" to DEV.

Some settings will be isolated between in each enviroments so that its easier to switch between them. Freight relations will always have to be configured when switching.

Remember to first switch, then configure sandbox environment variables. When you are done testing, you can set it back to PROD and the settings should return to your configuration before the switch (except freight relations).

Test/dev/sandbox configuration

These settings are found in Woocommerce - Settings - Wildrobot Logistra - AVANSERT.

You can disregard the Wildrobot API nøkkel setting.

Then go to APINØKKEL OG AVSENDER and register your Logistra sandbox api key:

Lastly go to BETALING to setup a test account.

You can input random test data here, for the card you can input:
Card: 4242 4242 4242 4242

Exp: 04/25 (can be any date in the future)

CVC: 123 (can be any 3 numbers)

You should then get a confirmation.

Map up your freight relations (shipping methods to freight products) and you are ready to create test shipments.

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