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Users module
Antonio Osornio avatar
Written by Antonio Osornio
Updated over 3 years ago

Users module

What is the Users module?

Within this section, you will find the data of the users who have been accepted in your training center. The data that you can view are:

  • Name

  • Last Name

  • Pseudonym

  • Mail

  • Gender

  • Date of birth

  • Actions

    • User statistics: You will be able to see in detail the amount of calories, sessions, hours of training, steps and Rookpoints. You can select the period of time you want to review.

      You will find charts describing the time spent in each training zone, types of training performed and bodyweight within the selected time period.

    • Edit user data

    • Remove the user from your center

You can create a new user:

  1. Click on "Add user".

  2. Enter the data in each field:

    1. Name

    2. First Last Name

    3. Second Last Name

    4. Mail

    5. Pseudonym

    6. Sex

    7. Date of birth

    8. Weight

    9. Height

    10. Resting Heart Rate

  3. Click on "Add user"

  4. * Remember that if you create the user's profile, they have to enter the email used to register them in your center to access the mobile application and set their password.

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