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What are RookPoints?
Antonio Osornio avatar
Written by Antonio Osornio
Updated over 3 years ago

RookPoints are RookMotion units of measurement. We use them to measure the progress of users during their trainings.

  • 1 RookPoint = 600 Kcal burned. (1,2)

  • 1 Rookpoint = Trophy for most calories burned in a group session. (3, 4)

  • 1 Rookpoint = Trophy for the longest time in fat burned zone (green zone). (5,6)

  • 1 Rookpoint = 5 minimum assistances per week in a training center.

  1. Only calories burned in the blue, green, orange and red zone are counted, calories burned in the grey zone are not considered.

  2. Calories burned in sessions in a training center in one day (in a maximum period of 2 hours)

  3. One trophy is awarded for women and one for men per session.

  4. At least 400 calories must be burned in the session.

  5. The trophy is not visible. It´s awarded after calculating data.

  6. The stay on green zone must be at least 20 minutes.

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