Click on "Profile".
Here, you'll be able to edit the following fields: Profile picture, name, last name, a second last name (if applies), landline number and cell phone number.
*The recommended size for your profile picture is 500x500 px, in png or jpg format.
Select "Save Changes".
Center Information
General Data:
Click on "Center information".
Here, you'll be able to edith the following fields: Fitness center logo, measurement system, name of the branch, name of the fitness center, language and the fitness center description.
Select "Save Changes".
Click on "Address".
Here, you can change the address of your fitness center. This will help your users find you on their mobile app.
Click on "Gallery".
Here, you'll be able to add photos of your fitness center, which will be visible on our mobile app. You can upload as many as you want!
*The recommended picture size for your profile photo, logo and your fitness center pictures is 500x500 px, in png or jpg format.