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How to prepay for employee meals, parking, and wifi while making a booking
How to prepay for employee meals, parking, and wifi while making a booking

Our RoomexPay Virtual Expense Cards offer an easy and risk free option for managing in-trip expenses

Mark Trimble avatar
Written by Mark Trimble
Updated over a week ago

Add Virtual Expense Cards to bookings in your Roomex platform to prepay for

employee meals at a hotel, through restaurant delivery services, or outside the hotel.

Virtual Expense Cards are for single-use and leave you with minimal risk.

If you don't have access to VEC's in your platform, please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss the option to add the service or email

If you're currently using our Meal allowance or online food voucher services, you already have access to Virtual Expense Cards. Please note the process, fee, and representation on your invoice will remain the same. What will change is the number of safe meal options your employees will now have available to them as restaurants remain closed due to the current COVID-19 outbreak.

Here's how our Virtual Expense Cards work:

  • Virtual Expense Cards are part of RoomexPay, our new solution that helps manage your in-trip expenses

  • Roomex will continue to reconcile the charges and only invoice for the amount charged

  • Virtual Expense Cards are only issued for the amount you request and charged for what is spent

  • They are only valid for the dates of the reservations (if you charge before or after card will decline)

  • Roomex has visibility of transactions used on the card

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