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Provide Feedback with Rowan Patents Reviewer

Rowan Patents Reviewer is a browser-based review tool that lets anyone provide feedback on a Rowan Patents .rp file. Here's how.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a year ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Steps for Using the Rowan Reviewer

  • Available Review Functions

Steps for Using the Rowan Reviewer

  1. Save the Rowan .rp file you were asked to review.

  2. Open Rowan Patents Reviewer using your internet browser.

    Note that we strongly recommend using Google Chrome to access our Reviewer, but all modern browsers (e.g. Safari, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge) are supported. Note that use on Internet Explorer is NOT supported.

  3. Enter your name in the field provided, so we can identify your comments or text suggestions as coming from you.

  4. Drag and drop (or browse for) your saved Rowan .rp file in the field provided.

    Note that no file data is stored on, sent to, or retrieved from cloud storage.

  5. Click "Review File" to and start providing feedback using the available review functions described below.

  6. When you're ready, click the Send Feedback button (or the Close and Send Feedback option) and save the Rowan .rp file that includes your changes using your OS file save dialog(s).

    Note that you don't have to finish in one sitting. See Save or Discard Your Feedback below.

  7. TO FINISH THE PROCESS: Email your saved .rp file back to the drafter so they can incorporate your feedback in their next draft.

Available Review Functions

Rowan Reviewer provides the functions shown and described below.

  • Undo and redo arrows allow you to quickly revert or repeat changes you’ve made.

  • Text formatting allows you to change the appearance of text with Font styles and Paragraph options.

  • Insert objects options allow you to add pictures, equations, and tables to the text.

  • Feedback tools allow you to:

    • Add, navigate, edit, and retract comments and text suggestions as described below

    • Save or discard your changes

    • Prepare a file to return to the inventor.

At this time, adding figures, managing terms and templates, and reordering claims cannot be performed outside of the full Rowan Patents desktop environment. We suggest you use comments, typed text, and inserted images to convey requests for changes of these sorts.

Enter Comments

Comments may be inserted throughout your application, deleted, and navigated through, using options in the Comments & Suggestions section of the Tool Bar.

Comment bubbles to the left of this panel allow you to add and delete comments, respectively. Select the text you want to comment on, and click the “+” comment bubble to add your comment.

To delete your comment, navigate to and select the comment you want to delete, and either click the “x” comment bubble, or the trashcan icon provided in the comment field.

To edit a comment, click the pencil icon provided in the comment field you wish to edit.

To comment upon drawings, scroll down to the drawing previews at the end of the displayed application, and click near the feature you wish to comment upon. A comment entry field will open automatically, allowing you to enter your comment.

Note that new figures cannot be added or deleted. You may wish to include images in the Conclusion section indicating additional figures or figure changes desired, and use comments to indicate figures to remove.

Suggest Text Changes

To suggest text changes to the specification, claims, and abstract, simply amend the displayed text to read how you wish. Your additions will be highlighted green and your deletions red, with deleted text struck through.

To add claims as part of your feedback, place your cursor at the end of an existing claim (after the final “.”), and press enter. A new claim will appear with an autogenerated preamble, and your additions to that claim will be marked as a change.

The Reviewer recognizes terms the drafter has identified and will provide autocompletion dropdowns as you type them for improved consistency and convenience.

Note that claims cannot be reordered in the Rowan Patents Reviewer. We suggest you include comments to indicate any claim reordering you wish to see.

Respond to Others’ Comments and Changes

The file you receive may include comments, questions, and changes from the drafter, inventor, or other reviewers. Each comment and change will be accompanied by a field on the right-hand side of the window allowing you to include a response.

Click the portion of the field that reads, “Reply…” to enter your own thoughts.

Navigate Review Material

Arrows to the right side of the Comments & Suggestions panel can be used to navigate from one suggestion or comment to the next or previous comment or suggestion, as desired.

Options for accepting or rejecting suggestions are provided in the center of the Comments & Suggestions panel. Page icons with a “✓” and “x” can be used to accept or reject a change, respectively. For reviewers, these options should be used carefully.

You may only need to reject your own suggested changes if you think better of them. The changes of others may be best left intact and visible, and your own additions and deletions should remain highlighted for the inventor’s review, rather than accepted.

Save or Discard Your Feedback

You do not need to finish your review all in one sitting. Your suggestions and comments will be saved to browser storage, and returning to the Reviewer URL will automatically take you to the application you were reviewing. To ensure that your changes are saved between sittings, choose the Close and Save Feedback option in the Close dropdown menu to the upper right of the Reviewer window.

You’ll receive a message that your feedback has been saved and a note on how to return and continue your review.

To close the Review window without saving your feedback, select Close and Discard Feedback from the Close dropdown menu and confirm in the resulting dialog.

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