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Build a Prosecution Package in Rowan Patents

Upload a USPTO Office action and the latest claims to create a .zip file with everything a practitioner needs to start their response.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a week ago
  1. Open Rowan Patents and start a New Prosecution File

  2. Upload or fetch the Office action and click “Next”.

  3. Select a template and click Next.

    Note that if your template is set up to populate a response signature block with dynamically selected attorney information, you will be prompted to point to an appropriate attorney spreadsheet in our next published release.

  4. Add and review the prior claim set, then click Next.

  5. Review Office action, adjust as needed, and click Generate Package.

  6. Review files, adjust file selection as desired.

  7. Click Export to save a .zip file containing your package files. Use the File menu Save option to save your package as a Rowan .rpr file.

Once you've built and saved a package as a Rowan .rpr file, you can continue drafting an Office action response using the Rowan Patents Prosecution Response Writer.

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