Getting started in Rowan Patents is as easy as opening a file and starting to type, but our professional-grade integrated drafting environment holds hundreds of features that support you in drafting efficiently and well.
Comprehensive and detailed support is available in our Rowan Patents Help Center and printable user manuals, but in this article, we've provided a quick and easy bird's eye view of what you'll see and what you can do in Rowan Patents. This article covers the following integrated drafting environment views and elements:
Loading Screen
Landing Screen
Main Application Window
Drawing Tool Window
Tools and Managers Window
Loading Screen
While Rowan Patents is launching and updating, here's what you can see and do.
Landing Screen
Here's where you'll get all of your work started in Rowan Patents.
Main Application Window
This is where you'll start each time you create or open a patent application file. Craft your claims and written description and open additional windows from here.
Drawing Tool
Create figures and parts that link seamlessly in your written description and remain evergreen and always consistent across any revisions you need to make. We pack a lot of power into one window!
Tools and Managers Window
Fine-tune the data objects that define your novel ideas. Adjust auto-generated text and patent profanity search lists to suit your preferences. Check on claim support and dependency structures at-a-glance.