This article covers the following topics:
Remove/Apply Numbering across Your Application
Remove/Apply Numbering for Individual Paragraphs/Sections
Remove/Apply Numbering across Your Application
Note that as of the v3.22 release of Rowan Patents, EPO-PCT templates are available with paragraph numbering turned off by default.
Click the Document Styles Option under the Tools > Settings menu.
Click the Document Styles option to the left under File Settings in the Tools window Settings tab.
Click the desired option to toggle paragraph numbering on or off for the entire application.
Your selection will be set for all specification paragraphs in your application.
Note that where the numbering attribute is turned off for individual paragraphs using the steps below, these paragraphs will remain unnumbered regardless of the document setting. The toggle works by assigning the unnumbered Normal Text style or the Numbered Paragraph style to paragraphs with the numbering attribute turned on.
Remove/Apply Numbering for Individual Paragraphs/Sections
In the main application window, place your cursor in or select the numbered paragraph(s) for which you wish to change the numbering attribute.
You may use Ctrl+A (Cmd-A in Macs) to select all paragraphs within a specification section. To change multiple sections, you will need to visit each section in turn.
Click the Number Paragraphs control in the toolbar
OR click the Number Paragraphs control dropdown
Options to set paragraph styles as Normal or Numbered Paragraph are also available in the toolbar and Specification menu.
Paragraph numbering will be removed from selected numbered paragraph(s) or applied to selected unnumbered paragraphs, based on what you have selected.
Note that if you select a mixture of numbered and unnumbered paragraphs, the Numbered Paragraphs control will apply numbering to all selected paragraphs.
Any numbered paragraphs subsequent to the modified selection will be automatically renumbered.
A new paragraph created by typing Enter after an existing paragraph will retain the style of its preceding paragraph.