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Check Spelling

Rowan Patents includes a built-in spell-checker based on user-selected dictionaries. Here's how it works.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Spell-Checking Steps

  • Dictionary Language Selection

  • Augmenting Rowan Spell-Checking

  • How to Remove a Word from the Custom Dictionary (Windows)

  • How to Remove a Word from the Custom Dictionary (MacOS)

Spell-Checking Steps

  1. Place your cursor in the desired text entry field.

  2. Paste, type, or review your desired text.

  3. Detected spelling errors will be underlined in red, based on your system's default dictionary settings.

    Note that, similar to Word's default behavior, words typed in all caps are not checked for spelling.

  4. Right-click red underlined words to see correction suggestions.

  5. Alternatively, right-click the word to add it to your local custom dictionary.

  6. Once you click out of a text field, highlighting is no longer displayed. To recheck a field, click on the text to bring the field back into focus for spellchecking.

Dictionary Language Selection

  1. To select an additional or alternative language for spell-checking, locate the Spellchecker Dictionary option under the Tools menu in the main application window.

  2. Spell-checking will use dictionaries for all languages selected (shown with a check mark) in the resulting list. Click a language to select or deselect it, as needed


    Select the Disable Spellchecking option at the top of the list to turn off all spell-checking.

  3. Close and reopen your application to apply your new dictionary selections.

Augmenting Rowan Spell-Checking

At this time, Rowan Patents Spell-Checking does not include grammar or usage checks, though it's on our list of requested improvements. Our power users have offered the following suggestions to augment spell-checking as you draft:

  • Extra Spaces: Use the Rowan Search and Replace interface (found under the Edit menu) to quickly detect and correct instances where two or more spaces should only be one space.

  • Repeated Words: Make a note to open and review your exported .docx file in Word to detect repeated words before filing.

  • Grammar and Punctuation: Make a note to open and review your exported .docx file in Word to detect repeated words before filing.

  • Third-Party Checkers: Using a third-party spelling and grammar checker like Grammarly can help you catch any of the issues above in Rowan Patents applications and in other programs without built-in spell-checking or grammar-checking features.

    Note that in Rowan Patents detected issues from these checkers, similar to spell-check underlining, may only be displayed for the active text entry field where your cursor is located.

How to Remove a Word from the Custom Dictionary (Windows)

  1. Locate the Microsoft custom dictionary file(s) default.dic at the following location:


    Note that some users may have multiple LANGUAGE folders, such as "en-US", "neutral", etc. and each folder may have a default.dic file that needs to be checked.

    Note also that this location may change with operating system updates. Please search your operating system's online help resources for additional guidance as needed.

  2. Open the defualt.dic file using a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. Locate the word you wish to remove and delete it.

  4. Save the file(s) you've modified.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the Rowan custom dictionary at the following location:

    C:\Users\U6076815\AppData\Roaming\TurboPatent\Custom Dictionary.txt

  6. Restart Rowan Patents. Uses of the word you've removed from the dictionary(ies) will be indicated as misspelled with a wavy red underline.

How to Remove a Word from the Custom Dictionary (MacOS)

  1. Open the Finder.

  2. Hit command+Shift+G to open the Go To Folder window and enter the following path:

    ~/Library/Group Containers/

  3. Open the LocalDictionary file in a text editor.

  4. Add or remove the words in the file file, with new words on a separate line.

  5. save LocalDictionary and close the file.

    Note that these steps may change with operating system updates. Please search your operating system's online help resources for additional guidance as needed.

  6. Close and restart Rowan Patents.

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