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Import a Patent Publication or Application

Fetch patent matter published online or import your .docx text and PDF figures to create a Rowan .rp file.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over 10 months ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Import Patent Matter from Online

  • Import Patent Matter from Files with OCR

  • Import Patent Matter from Files without OCR

  • Review OCRed Part Numbers

  • Review Figure Labels

Import Patent Matter from Online

  1. Click the Import Patent Publication or Application button on the landing screen.

  2. Enter an application or publication number for the published matter you want to import.

  3. Confirm the correct matter has been detected and click Import.

    Import time will vary based on your local system speeds and the size of the publication.

  4. An .rp file will be created containing the downloaded matter. You will be presented with an option to review the dynamic part numbers created for your figures.

    Parts and part number stencils are created in manual numbering mode based on reference numerals detected in the specification that align with numbers found in the figures through OCR. You may wish to review them for duplications, inconsistencies, and omissions, as described below.

    ​​Note that for imported files the OCR data will be saved with the file, so if you choose not to review immediately, you can do so later by opening the Drawing Tool and pressing Shift+Ctrl+Space (Shift-Cmd-Space for Macs).

Import Patent Matter from Files with OCR

  1. Click the Import Patent Publication or Application button on the landing screen, as shown above.

  2. Drag the .docx file with your desired patent matter text onto the field provided


    Click Select File to find your file in your local file system.

  3. Drag the .pdf file with your desired patent matter figures onto the field provided


    Click Select File to find your file in your local file system.

  4. Click Import and OCR Figures.

    Import time will vary based on your local system speeds and the size of the files.

    OCRing the figures allows us to detect reference numerals that align with references in the specification text, create them as Rowan part numbers, and place dynamic part number stencils over the numbering in the image. It is performed in Rowan’s secure private cloud environment. If you do not wish to send any data to our cloud, select the without OCR option, described below.

  5. An .rp file will be created containing the downloaded matter. You will be presented with an option to review the dynamic part numbers created for your figures.

    Parts and part number stencils are created in manual numbering mode based on reference numerals detected in the specification that align with numbers found in the figures through OCR. You may wish to review them for duplications, inconsistencies, and omissions, as described below.

    ​​Note that for imported files the OCR data will be saved with the file, so if you choose not to review immediately, you can do so later by opening the Drawing Tool and pressing Shift+Ctrl+Space (Shift-Cmd-Space for Macs).

Import Patent Matter from Files without OCR

  1. Click the Import Patent Publication or Application button on the landing screen as shown above.

  2. Drag in or select the .docx and .pdf files with your desired patent matter as shown above.

  3. Click Import without OCR.

    Import time will vary based on your local system speeds and the size of the files.

  4. An .rp file will be created containing the matter from your files. Open the Drawing tool to review and make any adjustments needed to your figures.

    OCRing the figures allows us to detect reference numerals in the figures that align with specification text, create them as Rowan part numbers, and place dynamic part number stencils on the canvas. It is performed in Rowan’s secure private cloud environment.

    If you are not using our OCR, parts are created but are not placed as stencils in the drawing tool. A sheet is created and a figure label is placed for each figure referenced in your specification. Please allow extra time for review and any additions or adjustments you may want to make to your figures.

Review OCRed Part Numbers

  1. Click the Review Parts option presented for your new .rp file


    Open the Drawing Tool and press Shift+Ctrl+Space (Shift-Cmd-Space for Macs).

  2. In the Drawing Tool, click the option provided to hide/show the dynamic part number stencils placed on the canvas by Rowan, and compare the the part numbers of the stencils with the original numerals in the image.

  3. Correct any issues in the Parts panel.

  4. If desired, merge duplicate parts.

    Note that this step is necessary if you wish to make revisions that reflect across all instances of a part that appears multiple times in your figures.

  5. If desired, set your figures to use the Autonumbering mode.

    Note that this step is necessary if you want part numbers to correspond to their figure number when figures are reordered.

  6. Once your review is completed, click Done. Highlighting will be removed from the part number stencils.

    You may re-enter the review mode by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Space (Shift-Cmd-Space for Macs). However, once you change (renumber or move) a stencil created from OCR data, its data is permanently updated and cannot be recovered later in its immediately-post-OCR form.

Review Figure Labels

  1. Review the Rowan figure labels for accuracy and placement.

    When OCR is not used, Rowan creates and labels a sheet for each figure referenced in your specification text. Images of imported figure sheets are placed on the Drawing Tool canvas one per sheet. As a result, sheets, labels, and images may not fully correspond when your .pdf file has multiple figures per page. Please plan on additional time for review and any adjustments your figures may need.

  2. Use the mouse and arrow keys to move, resize, and adjust background fill for labels on the canvas as needed to cover static image labeling.

  3. Subnumber or unsubnumber, move to other sheets, add or remove, and otherwise adjust labels as needed.

    Note that removing a label also removes the sheet and figure description, so this should done with great care.

    Note that you can reach out to us with any questions on how to best make these corrections, as needed, through Rowan Help.

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