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Raising a Resourcing Request
Updated over 2 months ago

1. Creating a Placeholder

Runn’s placeholders allow you to plan the work allocation before you know who will actually take up the job.

As a Project Manager, you can schedule assignments to placeholders as the starting point of the resourcing request process.

  1. Add a placeholder to your project

  2. Schedule assignment to the placeholder

  3. Click on the 3-dot icon and select Edit Details

  4. Add skills and custom fields required to specify your preference.

  5. You can also add the names of the candidates you prefer to get on the project under the Suggested People field.

    • Note that when the resourcing request is raised, these people's manager may receive an in-app notification indicating your interest in getting them on the project.

    • You can add up to 5 names on the list

  6. Click Save

2. Raising a resourcing request

Once you have created the placeholder, you can raise a resourcing request.

  1. From the Project or People planner, click the 3-dot menu on the placeholder.

  2. Select Request > Request <role>

  3. (Optional) Leave a comment to add any additional details about the request that you would like the resource manager/functional manager to know.

  4. Click Confirm Request. A yellow icon will appear next to the placeholder to indicate that a Request has been Raised

Please note that your comment will be visible to ALL Runn users with access to the Planners. Please do not add sensitive information to the comments.

In-app notifications will be sent right away

  • The Resource Manager will receive an in-app notification about your request (if they have subscribed to the relevant notification)

  • The Team Manager(s) of the people you added to the list of Suggested People will receive an in-app notification as well.

Cancelling the request

You may want to cancel the request if you have raised it before you are ready.

  1. Click on the 3-dot icon, select Request Raised/Responded and Cancel Request

  2. (Optional) Enter a note on why you are cancelling the request. The comment history will still be retained and viewable.

  3. The placeholder will return to No Request status.

3. Tracking the progress of your request

Upon reviewing your request, the Resource Manager may change the status of your request. Other people may also add comments to your request.

From in-app notifications

You will receive an in-app notification when this happens. Click on the notification and it will take you to the project on the Project Planner

From the filtered list on the People Planner

From your People Planner, filter the list by different resourcing request statuses to view the current status of your request.

4. Responding to Comments

  1. If you would like to make a comment, click on the 3-dot icon and select Comment

    You can also view the comment history here.

  2. If you would like to change your request requirements and work schedule, you can update the placeholder and make a comment to inform the Resource Manager.

3 Ways that your request will be handled

There are different ways that your request may be handled, depending on the situation:

  • If someone internally is suitable for the role

  • If no one internally is available for the role (need to make a new hire)

  • The Resource Manager may cancel your request

If someone internally is suitable for the role

When the Resource Manager has found the right person, they will transfer the placeholder’s work to the person to fulfill the request

You will receive an in-app notification when this occurs. And you will see the person’s name showing up in your project.

The original placeholder may be deleted. In that case, the comment history will no longer be visible.

If no one internally is available for the role

The Resource Manager may change the resourcing request status to Propose to Hire. The yellow icon will change to a yellow flag.

There is no action on your end. When the new hire is ready to get on your project, the Resource Manager will transfer the placeholder to the new hire.

If the Resource Manager cancelled the request

The status will change to No Status. All the comments will will be visible.

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