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Searching and filtering

How to search for people and projects on the Planner

Updated over 2 months ago

Project Planner


You can quickly search your projects by typing in the search input.

The search query can match the:

  • Project name

  • Project client name

  • Project team name

  • Project tags

  • People working on a project


Choose from the following filters:

  • Starred

    Only show the projects that you have starred

  • Client

    Only show projects for a particular client or set of clients

  • Project Tags

    Only show projects that have at least one of the selected tags

  • Primary Team

    Only show projects that are assigned to one of the selected teams

  • Resourcing Requests

    Only show projects containing placeholders with the selected request status

  • Project Template

    Only show selected projects templates

  • Project

    Only show projects that are in the selected list

  • People

    • Person

      Only show projects that have been assigned to at least one of the selected people.

    • Team

      Only show projects that have been assigned to people from one of the selected teams.

Note: You can filter by any single and multi select custom fields you create.

People Planner


You can quickly search your projects by typing in the search input.

The search query can match the:

  • Person name

  • Assigned project name

  • Assigned project client name

  • Person team name

  • Person role name

  • Person tags


Choose from the following filters:

  • Starred

    Only show the people that you have starred

  • Role

    Only show people that are one of the selected roles

  • People Tags

    Only show people that have at least one of the selected tags

  • Skills

    Only show people that have at least one of the selected skills

  • Team

    Only show people that are in one of the selected teams

  • Employment Type

    Only show people that are Contractors or Employees

  • Person Type

    Only show people or placeholders

  • Resourcing Requests

    Only show placeholders with the selected request status

  • People

    Only show people that are in the selected list

  • Project Status

    Only show people that are assigned to the selected project status - Tentative or Confirmed

  • Project

    • Project Team Members

      Show all people who are on the project team for at least one of the selected projects

    • Scheduled in Future

      Only show people who have future assignments for at least one of the selected projects

Filter Logic

OR Logic

Each filter within one list of items uses OR logic.

For example, a "Person Tags" filter that has Angular, Rails and React tags selected will match any person that has the Angular tag OR the Rails tag OR the React tag.

Selecting more tags can only increase the number of people visible.

AND Logic

When you add multiple filters, they use AND logic.

For example, having both the "Person Tags" and "Role" filters will only show people that have at least one of the selected tags (Angular, React or Rails) AND also have the role "Developer".

Adding more filters can only reduce the number of people visible.

Filtering multiple tags with AND logic

If you want to view only projects that have multiple tags, you can add the "Project Tags" filter multiple times, once for each tag you want to match.

For example, here we have two "Project Tags" filters to match only projects that have both the Mobile App AND Website tags.

The same approach works for filtering people by their tags using the "Person Tags" filter.

Saved Filters

To save your filters and use them again later, click on the Save button. Give the filter an easily identifiable name.

Viewing My Projects from Project Planner

If you are assigned to any projects, you can quickly filter for the projects you have been assigned to by taking the following steps:

  1. From the Project Planner > Filter

  2. My Saved Project Filters > My Projects

Viewing My Projects from People Planner

If you are assigned to any projects, you can quickly filter for the projects you have been assigned to by taking the following steps:

  1. From the People Planner > Filter

  2. My Saved People Filters > [Your Name]

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