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Types of JackPot Games

Pick 4, Pick 6, Quick 5 - what are the differences?

Updated over 8 months ago

We are currently offering a variety of different types of Jackpot games. Many of the games are very similar, but there are some subtle differences we want you to be aware of.

"Pick" Games - Pick 3,4,5,6, etc.

Pick 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 games all work the same:

  1. Like all JackPot games you have to pick the right numbers IN THE CORRECT ORDER - so it's not enough to just pick the right numbers, they also have to appear in the correct order.

  2. For the PICK games, you're picking a number from a new set of numbers for each pick. So for instances, with a Pick 3, you're picking 3 numbers - so for each of the numbers you pick there will be a completely new set of numbers you're picking from. Meaning for the first number you pick, there may be numbers from 1 - 10 that you're choosing from. For the second number you pick there may also be numbers from 1 - 10, and you can pick the same number as you did for the first number....this repeats for the third number. So theoretically if you like the number 1, and you think that number is going to be "lucky" then you could pick 1 - 1 - 1 for your Pick 3....and if the number 1 shows up three times in a row, you win!

  3. Do note - some numbers can be "removed" from the available selection. So if numbers 1 - 10 are shown, but one of the numbers is greyed out, that simply means the lottery has decided not to offer that number for that particular pick. Why? It's a long story, but all you need to know is if that number is greyed out, it can't be picked by you or the lottery, so nothing to worry about!

QUICK 5 games:

  1. The QUICK 5 works a little different that the PICK lotteries, in that the same group of numbers are being used for all 5 numbers. So this means that if there are numbers 1 - 10, and the first number you choose is 5, then the second number you choose can't be 5, because you've already taken that number from the "group" available to you. In a QUICK 5 you can only use a number once for each pick you make

  2. HOWEVER, just like the PICK games, you have to pick all the numbers IN THE RIGHT's not enough to just pick the right numbers, they have to be in the order that they appear.

  3. And just like the PICK games, some numbers do get removed - but again, if you can't wager a number, that number also can't be picked by the lottery - so you're all good!

One question we do get often is "do I have to get ALL the numbers right to get paid?" - the answer is, "not necessarily". As with all Jackpots, when amounts build up, or there is a decision that they want to pay out the JackPot "no matter what" there can be instances of mandatory payouts, or additional payouts for customers who only match some of the numbers. However, this is on a case by case basis on the Jackpots and we're rarely made aware when this takes place. SO, a good rule of thumb is to assume that you need to match all the numbers, but we figure you won't complain if and when you get paid because you only matched SOME of the numbers!

But remember, it doesn't matter which JackPot you pick - they all offer an exciting opportunity to win some BIG MONEY for just a little investment. So try your luck today!

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