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Why was my document rejected?

Learn the reasons documents are rejected and what to do next.

Written by Tom Nimmo
Updated over 9 months ago

All documents submitted when signing up to Ryde are checked over by a team member. This ensures you have everything you need to get started, and prevents any delays when you begin work.

Sometimes, a document won't quite fit the requirements for working with us. When this happens it will be rejected and you will be sent a message with the reason and next steps.

Below is a list of general reasons a document may be rejected. Then, specific reasons for each document type. These reasons can also be found on each document's help centre page.

General reasons

Any document uploaded may be rejected due to:

  • Poor image quality: Try uploading a new picture. This one may be pixelated, out of focus, or hard to read.

  • Image is obstructed: Try uploading a new picture. This one may be obstructed by glare, another object, or a finger. Ensure information is visible.

  • Missing pages or information cut off: Some information may be missing from the picture. Include all 4 corners of the document in the picture

  • Name does not match the profile name: Double check the name on the document matches the name on your account. If you have any issues with this, please reach out to us.



  • Is a travel document or BRP (not valid as a right to work): As of April a BRP is invalid for proving RTW in the UK. You may need to provide a right to work are code instead.

Share code

  • Visa does not allow self-employment: Check your current status with the Home Office and you can contact us when your condition changes. Uploading a share code again before changing your status is not a solution.

  • Requires Home Office approval: \we need to check your right to work directly with the Home Office. You should receive a reply from us in a week.

  • Share code not working: The code may be incorrect. Please double-check and try again.

Birth certificate

  • Document is not a UK birth certificate: We only accept UK birth certificates as proof.


Driving licence

  • Not a UK licence: We only accept UK driving licences as proof.

  • Not a genuine licence: This document may not be genuine.

  • Licence expired: This licence is out of date. Please renew it and upload a new picture.

DVLA check

  • The check code has expired: The code has expired. Please upload one that is in date.

  • The check code is not valid: The code may be incorrect. Please double-check and try again.

  • Has a TT99 conviction code: Disqualified from driving because licence has “totted up” 12 or more points in the space of three years.


  • The document is not a DBS: You did not upload a DBS. For more information on applying for a DBS please visit this page.

  • Is not a government-issued DBS: Ensure your DBS is from the website. We do not accept any issued by third parties.


  • CBT licence has expired: A CBT expires after 2 years. Please upload one that is still in date.

  • Details are incorrect: Some details may not match. Please double-check all details.

  • Document is not a CBT: This document was not a CBT.

Identity check

  • Identity check could not be validated: The video may not have been clear enough, or the lighting was not bright enough. Ensure you are following all instructions.

  • Did not use photo ID: You must use a valid photo ID.

  • Details are incorrect: Some details may not be correct. Please double-check all details.

  • The document could not be verified.

  • There was a problem with the photo: Try uploading a new picture. This one may be pixelated, out of focus, or hard to read.

Vehicle insurance

  • Vehicle registration number does not match vehicle on profile: These two details are different. Please ensure they match.

  • Does not show proof of vehicle insurance: Ensure the document includes the “Limitations as to use” section.

  • Document is not vehicle insurance: You did not upload a vehicle insurance document.

  • Insurance coverage not valid: There are a number of reasons why insurance does not meet the criteria. Check this article to find out what kind of insurance you need.

  • Vehicle insurance is expired: your insurance details are no longer in date or valid.

Hire and reward insurance

  • The document does not show proof of H&R insurance: Ensure the document includes the “Limitations as to use” section.

  • H&R insurance is not covered by Ryde: If any company is mentioned in the insurance policy, Ryde must within the names. If no company is mentioned and it mentions coverage for “Hire&Reward” purposes, this is valid.

  • H&R insurance is out of date: Your insurance details are no longer in date or valid.

  • Not a genuine document: Your Hire & Reward insurance document is not genuine.

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