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Ryde's Safety Protocol

It is important to follow health and safety regulations.

Rebecca avatar
Written by Rebecca
Updated over a week ago

It is your own legal obligation as independent couriers to comply with health and safety regulations.

Please comply with:

  • Road Traffic legislation

  • National road and traffic codes

  • Food Safety Regulations

  • COVID-19 Regulations

It is advised that riders/drivers refresh their understanding of the rules of the road at least once per year by visiting here.


Drivers of any motorised vehicle should have a current valid driver's license and should carry on them whenever driving.


Independent couriers at Ryders use their own modes of transport and therefore are required to provide their own insurance.


Couriers on the Ryder platform should never log onto the app if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When you log onto the Ryde App you are confirming this status as well as confirming you are in a fit mental and physical shape to complete all delivery requirements.

Modes of Transport & Maintenance

Independent couriers are responsible for maintaining their modes of transport to be safe for themselves and others around them.

As an absolute minimum, all Ryde riders & drivers must:

  • Keep your transport mode clean and presentable for work

  • Start every day by checking vital safety features, e.g. brakes and tyre pressure

  • Prioritise transport servicing in line with the manufacturer's recommendations; checking everything from brakes & tyres to horns & windscreen cleaner etc.

  • Make sure that your vehicle is suitable for a variety of weather conditions e.g. high grip tyres

On-the-Road Delivery Management Recommendations

  • Safety first! Prioritise this over the speed of delivery every time.

  • Carry a first-aid and emergency care kit in case of accidents.

  • Take regular breaks to make sure you do not get tired or dehydrated.

  • Avoid riding when exhausted.

  • Prepare for all kinds of weather! This could include rain, hail, extreme heat etc.

  • Park in only designated areas for your mode of transport.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear (i.e. helmet, reflective clothing, lights, etc.)

Riders Dismount

Cyclists must be aware of any areas that warn riders to dismount:

Ryde requests - regardless of the mode of transport - that all riders/drivers review all of the guidance within our Help Centre to reduce any risk of:

  • Transport mode breakdown or faults

  • Road accidents

  • Personal injury or the injury of others

  • Theft or damage of vehicle or items

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