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Health & Safety Policy

Making sure health and safety is a top priority.

Written by Tom Nimmo
Updated over 12 months ago

1. Purpose

It is Ryde’s intention to provide, so far as reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the Health & Safety work act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and all other associated legislation which remains effective and relevant.

2. Scope

All established and temporary employees, and other directly contracted persons during the application of that contract whilst attending Ryde.

3. Policy Statement

The responsibility for the health, safety, welfare and security within Ryde is placed both upon Duncan Mitchell and all personnel working within the company. This statement, therefore, makes specific commitments regarding how we operate, personal safety, welfare damage to property, security (both individual and property), protecting the environment, reducing losses and liabilities and fully meeting the statutory requirement.

This statement will govern each of us and our work for Ryde. These commitments are implemented by:

  • Ensuring that effective arrangements exist for communication, discussion and consultation on Health & Safety matters at all levels.

  • Instituting and maintaining comprehensive safety assessments.

  • Implementing a programme working towards the elimination of unsafe acts or omissions, foreseeable hazards which may result in fires, security losses, damage to property, personal injury/illnesses and occupational health.

  • Setting and monitoring personal safety objectives throughout the company as appropriate.

  • Fulfilling the company’s duty of care for contractors & employees.

  • The provision of adequate instruction, training and supervision to enable work to be carried out safely.

  • The provision of safe premises and work places including access to, and exit from them.

  • The appointment of competent people to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the company.

  • Duncan Mitchell will ensure that priority is given to matters of safety and adequate resources and funds available to support actions and initiatives that have been developed.

  • Targets for improving safety standards will be set, with our legal requirements defined as the minimum level of achievement when performance is monitored against them.

This statement, the Health & Safety Policy and all other appropriate detailed arrangements for Health & Safety will be provided for the information and guidance of all work within the company. Ryde will ensure that all staff make themselves familiar with this document and consider its relevance to all tasks, which they undertake.

This document will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. Its content must be owned by all our staff, and every employee has a duty to suggest revisions to it, through their manager to ensure continuous improvements in health and safety and welfare standards.

The company requires that all employees & contractors take responsibility for their own safety and that of others who could be affected by their acts or missions. The company requires that all staff be aware of the Organisation’s Safety Rules contained within this document.

4. Management Responsibilities

Duncan Mitchell will take the lead role in Health & Safety matters responsibility for the maintenance of safety on the basis of standards set by the company and by legislation. Duncan Mitchell will also lead the overall drive for improved safety performance.

The broad spectrum of activities makes it necessary for certain safety responsibilities to be deleted as follows:

Responsibilities for all Managers - within Ryde and clients/customers.

Every manager is responsible for staff and/or an area of work has the following responsibilities so far as is reasonably practical to ensure:

  • The health and safety and welfare of all established and temporary staff as well as contractors and others concerned with working in the area for which that manager has responsibility.

  • That all risk assessments are carried out in order to comply with appropriate legislation.

  • A duty of care for all workers and contractors whilst within the area which they have responsibility.

  • To ensure that effective emergency arrangements are in place to deal with incidents/accidents and emergencies/evacuations.

  • That all responsibility and practical steps are taken to improve the health, safety and welfare of staff for whom they are responsible and of contractors and the general public as appropriate. Establish action plans to reduce levels of accidents, comply with the Health & Safety Policy and associated procedures, functional and legislative requirements.

  • Fire precaution management for all those whom responsible.

  • The training of staff & contractors whom they are responsible, in their safety responsibilities.

  • The efficient distribution and understanding of safety instructions and publication.

  • The setting of safety objectives and monitoring of performances for all direct reports.

  • The security, both responsibility as well as staff, contractors, customers and members of the public as appropriate.

  • The contracts with third parties for which the function is responsible for monitoring & having safe systems of work and abide by the company’s Health & Safety Policies.

  • That all necessary equipment and systems are provided, maintained and are safe without known risks to health.

  • That all materials, new machinery and equipment purchased by the company or clients complies with the legislative requirements and/or manufacturer’s recommendations and that information is available to employees and contractors to enable their use with safety.

  • Special attention is page to training of inexperienced staff & contractors or those that have special needs.

  • Any issue raised by an employee or employee representative, which could reasonably be foreseen as causing a threat or potential hazard is dealt with and/or reported to those responsible for action and monitoring of Health & Safety.

  • That all injuries, dangerous occurrences and “near miss” situations which arise in the area of responsibility are investigated at the earliest opportunity.

  • That the necessary information, instruction and training is provided to contractors.

  • That the place of work is maintained in the condition which is safe and without known risks to health.

  • That all practical steps are taken to reduce noise and sound levels to an acceptable degree (as defined by the relevant Local Authority requirements).

  • That all practical steps are taken to ensure that workplaces are adequately ventilated, and that the temperature is maintained at a reasonable level.

  • That immediate and appropriate steps are taken to investigate and rectify and risks to Health & Safety arising from the work activity and in accordance with the Accident Reporting advice.

  • That employees & contractors are duly consulted on and provided with information about Health and Safety matters that could affect them

5. Employees’ Responsibilities

All employees and contractors must:

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety for themselves, their fellow colleagues and all other persons attending the workplace.

  • Cooperate with management in the performance of their duties and work in accordance with Health & Safety policies, all associated training and information provided.

  • Avoid intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.

  • Call attention to any potential hazard and/or raise any point relating to Health & Safety standards. If the employees/contractors remain. dissatisfied that the appropriate action has not been taken they must seek to notify senior management.

  • Only undertake duties which are authorised and for which training has been given whenever appropriate.

  • Follow all general company safety rules and follow all additional rules, which are notified and apply to their particular area of work

6. Contractors’ Responsibilities

Contractors, whether self employed by Ryde or another organisation, are required to follow all the company’s Safety Regulations. They are also required to:

  • Take responsible care for Health & Safety of themselves and of employees and other contractors.

  • Cooperate with management in the performance of their duties.

  • Avoid intentionally or recklessly interfering with or musing anything provided in the interest of their health, safety & welfare.

7. Health Surveillance

Where, through the risk assessment procedure, pre-employment medical reports and/or other medical information, pregnancy, or other condition, health surveillance is required under statutory provisions or where it may assist with the maintenance of Health, Safety and Welfare, the company will make all of necessary provisions.

8. Training

The organisation will ensure that all appropriate information regarding health, safety and welfare is provided to all appropriate staff, elected representatives and other persons concerned. Statutory notices will be displayed as appropriate.

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