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Network Requests
Berislav avatar
Written by Berislav
Updated over 2 years ago

When accessing a website, the website instructs the user’s browser to load a manifold of resources from various servers on the web. Those resources could be fonts, images, videos or third-party widgets (like a badge displaying reviews). When such resources are loaded from third parties, the IP address of the user (among other potential Personal Identifiable Information (PII)) visiting the website is transmitted to that third party. Under GDPR laws, PII might only be processed, and transferred to third parties, with explicit consent of the user.

In this report, review network requests from all pages of your website (including subdomains) that transfer Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to third parties without users' consent. Filter out network requests considered legitimate interest to ensure that a semi-manual screening from legal experts can be done easier and more efficiently.

Read more in this article.

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