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Add new goal or OKR

How to create a new goal or OKR

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 4 months ago

You can create a goal for yourself other employees at any time. We'll show you how to do this.

📎NOTE: Depending on how the Goals module was set up, Goals may be referred to as an OKR in your Sage HR, so any reference to the term 'goal' you can substitute with OKR.

  1. Click Goals on the main menu.

  2. Select the relevant type of goal from the tabs at the top e.g. Team goals

    What tabs appear depend on your permissions.

  3. Click Add goal.

The next steps vary depending on what type of goals you want to create:

The goals you can create depend on your role.


By default, employees can view the following tabs:

  • Personal goals

  • Team goals or company goals if there are public goals.

By default, employees can only create personal goals. These require approval by a Direct Manager.

Direct Manager

By default, direct managers can view the following tabs:

  • My employee goals

  • Personal goals

  • Team goals, or company goals if there are public goals.

When a direct manager click Add goal, they must select which type of goal they'd like to create.

Direct managers can create goals for their subordinates and personal goals.

📎NOTE: A direct manager can only create a team goal if they are also a team manager.

Fill out the fields for the goal, then click Save.

Team Manager

By default, team managers can view the following tabs:

  • Personal goals

  • Team goals or Company goals if there are public goals

When a team manager clicks Add goal, they must select which type of goal they'd like to create.

Team managers can create Team goals and Personal goals.

Fill out the fields for the goal, then click Save.

Admins and performance group managers

By default, admins and performance group managers can view the following tabs:

  • My employee goals

  • Personal goals

  • Team goals

  • Company goals

  • All goals

Admins and performance group managers can create all types of goals.

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