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Connecting to GitLab
Lior Neudorfer avatar
Written by Lior Neudorfer
Updated over 7 months ago

To connect an environment to GitLab, in "Version Control" settings, Choose "Cloud" or "On Prem" to get started.


  • GitLab Cloud:

    • Approve the request to authorize Salto, then you will be redirected back to the Salto application (the GitLab tab). You should see now your GitLab username under the ‘Authorized Account’ title.

  • GitLab On Prem:

    • Enable Salto's IP Addresses in your firewall configuration to make sure Salto can access your Git repos.

    • Then, add the following inputs:

      • URL: add the HTTPS URL of your Git on-prem. Make sure to add only the main URL, excluding the project name, which is the URL ending segment.

      • Personal access token: make sure to create a token with API scope permission, see more details here. Salto needs this permission to access your repository.

⚠️ ​For Gitlab On Prem, Salto officially supports GitLab versions 14.X and above

You should be able to see now your repositories in the Salto app.

Note: If you need to remove the connection to Gitlab in order to connect to a new instance, you can remove the connection from your user settings in Gitlab. Navigate to Applications, locate the "Salto Labs" application and revoke it. The connection will be removed and you can connect to the new Gitlab instance.

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