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Are there ads on the free version?
Does it really take this long to sequester?
Can you please make this faster?!
Is it really possible to reach equilibrium in 5 years?
Why doesn’t the calculator offer solutions?
Why are there so many data entry points? This takes some effort!
What is a good range of time for a project to reach equilibrium?
What are the pie charts and why are there two for sequestration?
Can I see the components that make up the charts on the Calculator screen?
I’m confused by the carbon and carbon % under the input items. Can you explain?
Am I supposed to calculate the transportation of materials to my supplier?
Do I have to match all of the different measurement metrics for the calculator to be accurate?
I don’t usually calculate mileage for projects. What is the fastest way to do this?
What if I just pick up materials every day on the way to the project?
What if the equipment I use is not in the “Large Equipment” category?
How do I calculate my own custom flatwork?
What if I use a new material with a smaller carbon footprint than the standard materials you have listed? I want my efforts for cutting-edge steps I am already taking to be accounted for.
I use filter fabric. Where do I input that?
How does grading emit CO2, just the equipment use?
What if the exact component I use is not on the list?
How do I use PM/Owner Miles in the Transportation Input?
What is the difference between a small truck and a large truck in the deliveries input section?