1. Open the Expression editor
Access the Expression Editor for any node via its settings. Change the input field format to "expression" in the settings. Clicking the blue field will open the Expression Editor.
2. Adding a variable in the Expression editor
On the left, you’ll see a list of nodes, and on the right, an empty expression field.
Click the required node in the list to see its output data.
Variables can be multi-level structures, depending on the tool you are interacting with. For instance, the Whisper Diarisation tool that transcribes an audio file and splits it among speakers, displays a complex data structure. It’s first level includes fields like language and speaker count, followed by a collapsible array of segments containing timecodes, speaker info, speech text, and individual word objects.
To add a variable, find it in the list and drag it to the expression field in the Expression Editor. Data is transferred in double curly brackets format, usually like: `{{context["Node ID"]["variable name"]}}`. For instance, to get the task from a start node: `{{context["7rwO-start"]["task"]}}`
You can test your expression by pressing the corresponding button in the lower right corner.
Dragging complex structures into the Expression Editor will show all nested levels.
3. If the required variable is not listed
Variables appear in the list only after the node is executed.
If you add a new field to a node, execute the node to update the fields list in the Expression Editor. The new field value will then be available in the list.