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How to publish your flow as an AI app
How to publish your flow as an AI app
Updated over 3 weeks ago

AI Apps allow you to transform your flows into user-friendly applications with predefined inputs. This makes them intuitive and accessible for everyone.

  • Start by logging in to the platform. Navigate to the flow you would like to publish.

  • Click the "Publish" button at the top right of the page.

Setting up your AI App

  1. Overview tab

    • Define the Start and End nodes for your flow. These are typically pre-selected if already specified. The Start node is where users input their requests, while the End node manages the output, such as text or images.

    • Optionally, add a title and description for your AI app to help users understand its purpose.

  2. Extended settings

    • In the Web App tab, customize the footer with the creator’s name or a link to your website/social media.

    • Access control: Choose to protect your AI app with a password or make it publicly accessible to anyone with the link.

    • Payment settings: Decide if you or your users will cover app usage costs. Users can pay with their credits, and you can set a fixed or percentage-based markup (from 0% to 200%, or 1-100 credits) to earn from each app run.

  3. API integration: In the API tab you can also configure settings to seamlessly integrate your flow into your product.

  4. Publish: Once everything is set up, view the AI App interface and publish it by clicking the "Publish" button. You'll receive a shareable link to send to your users.

Managing and updating your AI app

You can push updates to your AI App anytime after the initial release. Users will automatically see the latest version upon accessing the app through the same link.

Using AI apps

When users follow your link, they’ll access a form for entering their requests.

If password-protected, they’ll need to enter it first.

Users can upload images, type prompts, or select from pre-loaded options, then click Generate to start.

Payment Process:

  • If the setting requires users to pay, they will be prompted to log in to upon clicking "Generate."

  • Users with sufficient credits (including registration bonuses) can run the AI app and receive results.

  • If credits are insufficient, users can purchase more by clicking the balance icon in the top right corner. They'll choose a credit package and be redirected to the payment service page.

  • After topping up their account, they can run the app.

  • The time varies based on the request; for instance, converting an image to text typically takes 35-40 seconds.

  • When generation is complete, users receive their results, which they can copy for further use.

Analytics for Creators

As a creator, you can access near real-time analytics for your AI App, including page views and the number of times the app has been run. Analytics are viewable on the creator dashboard.

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