To access the export options, ensure that you are logged in and have selected the ballot name from which you want to pull your export.
Once inside your ballot, navigate to the Export option under Ballot Setup. See below:
Available Exports
The following export options are available:
Export User
Export Winners
Starred Only
Specific No. of Entries Only
Export Ballot Groups and Categories
Export Ballot Groups and Categories with Vote Count
Export Comments
Export Ads
Group Ads
Sponsor Ad
Interstitial Ad
Category Ads
Display Ad
Profile Card
Export Self-Serve Transactions
Below is a breakdown of each available export:
Export User
This export provides details about the users who have registered for your ballot, including:
Zip Code
IP City
IP Country
IP Region
Votes Count
Email opt-in status (if applicable)
Expected First Name
Expected Last Name
Example of CSV file format:
Export Winners
This export provides different winner selection options:
Starred Only
Includes only submissions that have been marked with a star.
Specific No. of Entries Only
Allows selection of the top (x) number of entries with an option to include ties.
Displays all entries that received at least one vote or nomination.
Example of an Export Winners (All) CSV file:
Export Ballot Groups and Categories
Displays a list of each group, each category, and any pre-populated choices (if applicable).
Example CSV format:
Export Ballot Groups and Categories with Vote Count
Useful for analyzing category performance and determining which to keep or remove for the following year.
Example CSV format:
Export Comments
Only available if commenting is enabled on your ballot.
How to Enable Commenting:
Navigate to Design.
Go to General.
Scroll down to Turn Commenting On.
Add your placeholder text.
Click Save.
Example CSV format:
Export Ads
Exports various ad placements in the system.
Group Ads
Includes Group Sponsor Ads and Group Interstitial Ads.
Example of Group Sponsor Ad CSV file:
Category Ads
Includes Display Ads and Profile Cards.
Example of Display Ad CSV file:
Profile Card
If an undefined field appears, it indicates missing information in the Profile Card ad.
Example of Profile Card CSV file:
Export Self-Serve Transactions
Helps reconcile account questions when paired with your Stripe Account.
Available only if self-serve ads are enabled on your ballot.
Example CSV format:
For any additional help or inquiries, please contact our customer support team at Our team is dedicated to resolving your issues and ensuring a smooth experience with our software.