If you need to export the finalists from your photo contest, follow these simple steps to download the entries.
Step 1: Navigate to the Ballot
Open the ballot for your photo contest.
Find the Export option on your left hand navigation bar.
Step 2: Choose Your Export Settings
Once you’ve opened the export tab, look for the header for Export Winners.
Underneath the Export Winners header, select the method of exporting finalists:
If you used a star rating system, you can export based on that.
You can specify the number of top entries (e.g., top four or five finalists).
Alternatively, you can export all entries.
Step 3: Download the Finalists
After selecting your preferred export method, confirm the export.
A report will be generated containing all the photo submissions and submitter information.
Column C, “Submission” will have a link to it. Click on the link to open the file.
If a secondary page appears, click the link again to proceed with opening the image.
Right click on each image and save it to your computer in the location of your choosing.
Once downloaded, you can review, share, or publish your finalists as needed.