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Curation during COVID

How you can help support local businesses and engage with your audience at home

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 years ago

These are unprecedented times and although things continue to change daily, we are tirelessly working ensure you have the tools that you need to help inform and influence your community. If you have ideas or suggestions on how we can better serve you during this period of social distancing, please reach out to us.



With gigs and shows canceled, artists all over the country have taken to the internet to stream shows. Help support your local artists by providing information about their shows.


β€’ Create a collection of streaming events. Add an image to make your collection pop (see green box in image below)
β€’ Display the collection in your calendar navigation
β€’ Drop a widget on your site. Contact us if you would like us to generate one for you.
β€’ Add an online collection to your hubpage
β€’ Make sure that Display in Navigation is checked in your collection settings (see red box in image below)
β€’ Embed your collection on to a page on your website. The embed tool is dynamic and will update events as you update your collection. (see orange box in image below)
β€’ Create an email using some or all of your collection(s) to send to your audience (see purple box in image below)

β€’ Create a guide. This brand new feature is a static list of curated events. Feel free to reach out with questions.

Tips to share with your community and event organizers:
​How to post your online event



Help your audience stay connected with local businesses. Create a collection of restaurants that are providing takeout & delivery, local fitness studios that are streaming classes, daily playlists, etc. We've provided some examples below for inspiration, which we've created to support our local Charlottesville community.

Takeout & Delivery - Collection, Charlottesville Insider (linked, also pictured below)

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