Creating a new member or user account in your Best of platform is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to successfully add a new member to your organization.
Start by logging into your account.
On the left-hand navigation bar, find and click on "Org Settings."
In the Org Settings page, navigate to the "Members" tab.
Click the "New Member" button
Enter Member Details. A pop-up window will appear. Fill in the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Select the appropriate role for the new member:
Admin: For backend controls.
Account Executive: Suitable for sales personnel who do not manage the backend.
After entering the details, click on the "Get Link and Send Email" button.
This will send an email invitation to the specified email address.
Additionally, you will receive a link that can be manually copied and pasted if needed.
Once the invitation is sent, click "Close" on the pop-up window.
Refresh your page to see the newly added member.
Congratulations! You have successfully created a new account. The new member will receive an email with a link to complete the account set up, including choosing a password. If needed, they can also use the provided link for manual account creation.
For any further assistance or inquiries, please contact our customer support team at