To transition your photo contest from accepting submissions to the voting phase, follow these steps:
Log In:
Ensure you are logged into your Best Of account.
Select the Correct Ballot:
Navigate to the ballot list and select the ballot you want to change by clicking the edit button.
Edit Ballot Settings:
Once the edit page loads, you will see various ballot options, including the slug, ballot type, ballot setup, submission fees, etc.
Change to Photo Voting from Photo Submissions:
Under "Photo Ballot Settings," switch the radio button from "Photo Submissions" to "Photo Voting."
Save the ballot.
Prepare Submissions for Voting:
Navigate to the left-hand side menu and click on "Submissions."
Enter each category and select the options you want to be pre-populated for voting.
You can choose individual submissions by clicking the “Pre-populate” checkbox, or you can work in bulk by clicking the checkbox to the left of “Uploads”
Repeat the Process for All Categories
Final Review:
Once you have pre-populated all choices, review your ballot to ensure all submissions are ready for voting.
By following these steps, you will successfully transition your photo contest from the submission phase to the voting phase. If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at