Each scholarship is vetted and rated by our team to determine the scholarship providers’ transparency.
This is what Credibility Score indicates based on our rating:
Low score (1-35%)
ScholarshipOwl doesn’t have any contact with these scholarship providers. We would skip these if at all possible.
Medium (36%-69%)
These scholarships are safe to apply, but not guaranteed by ScholarshipOwl. You can apply, but don’t put “all eggs in one basket.” In fact, make this a tiny basket.
High (70%-99%)
These are safe to apply for scholarships because we have a history with these providers. These providers are our friends whom we trust, so keep on applying!
Verified (100%)
These scholarships are extremely safe. Scholarship award payout to the winner is guaranteed by ScholarshipOwl. Doesn’t get safer than this!
We recommend that the bulk of your applications, if not all of them, go out to scholarships with High and Verified credibility scores.