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What do the scholarship statuses mean (Reviewed, Draw Closed)?
What do the scholarship statuses mean (Reviewed, Draw Closed)?

What are scholarship application statuses? What does it mean when a scholarship status is accepted? or draw closed?

Jelena Stajic avatar
Written by Jelena Stajic
Updated over 4 years ago

Don’t you want to know what happens to your application after you send it? It would be nice to check its progress in real time and not wonder if the provider got your application, or if the winner was selected.

Well, we have you covered.

After you submit the application, go to the Submitted Applications tab at any time to see its progress. Please note that not every single scholarship provider will disclose to us where they stand at the moment, but we do our best to keep you informed.

Here are the statuses you’ll see next to your application(s) and what they mean:

  • Sent: your application has successfully reached the scholarship provider

  • Draw closed: the deadline for submitting applications has been met

  • Under review: the scholarship provider is reviewing your application (checking the formal requirements - if you have submitted all the necessary documents, etc.)

  • Reviewed: the provider has reviewed your application and will consider it when selecting a winner. Yay!

  • Declined: the provider has declined your application

  • Choosing a winner: the provider is currently selecting a scholarship winner

  • Won: you have won the scholarship! Congrats! Now you have 72 hours to forward the required personal information to the provider

  • Not selected: you haven’t won this particular scholarship

  • Awarded: the scholarship provider has awarded the scholarship to you.

  • Missed: you didn’t provide the required information to the scholarship provider

Although the status checker alleviates some of the nervousness surrounding scholarships, please be patient. Some providers are looking at hundreds to THOUSANDS of applications, and sometimes they may not be able to meet their deadline to announce a winner. In the meantime, keep applying and good luck!

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