AVCHD and MP4 are the two most common video file formats that modern digital video camcorders record in. While many video professionals prefer AVCHD, for whatever benefits it may possess over MP4, the MP4 file container system is a much more straightforward file format to interact with.
MP4 recordings are simply files in a folder created by the camera. You may have a directory with a date and inside that folder are your MP4 files. AVCHD, on the other hand, records to .mts
files which are contained within the AVCHD container, or package.
For this reason, you cannot simply upload an AVCHD container to ScoreBreak, as you would be uploading all .mts
files contained within the package, with no way to select which files were from your game or practice. To upload film recorded in AVCHD, access your .mts
files, and upload those from your event.
How to access AVCHD .mts files:
If you are using a Mac computer and record your video in AVCHD, you will need to go to your SD Card location and right-click (or Control-Click) the AVCHD file, then select Show package contents
Inside, you will find another container titled BDSM. Right-click (or Control-Click) the BDSM container, then select Show package contents
Inside the BDSM container, you will find a set of directories and folder. Locate and open the Stream
folder to find your .mts recordings / files.