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Request One to One Work Flows
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Agent engagement is an important part of any quality system. As part of agent engagement agents may request a score to be re-evaluated, or may want to discuss the score with their supervisor or the evaluator.

When an agent views a score they will be presented with the option to either Accept the score or Request a One to One for the score.


What occurs when the Request One to One button is pressed is dependent on how your settings are configured as outlined below.

Setting Configuration

Scorebuddy allows multiple different work flows to help accommodate a variety of ways of handling this process. To access these settings a Global Admin must select 'Settings' from the drop down menu by their name.

121 setting-min.gif
  • Supervisor And/Or Evaluator

    • This option will allow the agent to choose either their supervisor or the evaluator or both to receive the One to One request

  • Supervisor Only

    • Only the supervisor will receive the One to One request

  • Evaluator Only

    • Only the evaluator will receive the One to One request

  • Evaluator Via The Supervisor

    • The request will be sent at first to the Supervisor who can decide to either reject the request or escalate it to the evaluator

Supervisor And/Or Evaluator

Under this configuration the employee will be presented with the option to send the One to One request to either their Supervisor, to the evaluator who conducted the scoring, or to both. They will also be able to add a comment to the scorecard outlining the reason for the request.


The Supervisor And/Or the Evaluator will receive a notification on Scorebuddy to say that the one to one have been requested.


Once either the Supervisor or the Evaluator access the score, they will be able to add any additional comments and mark the request as being reviewed.


Supervisor Only

Under this configuration the employee will be presented only with the option to send the One to One request to their Supervisor. Similarly, they will have the option of leaving a comment alongside the request.


Evaluator Only

Under this configuration the employee will be presented only with the option to send the One to One request to the Evaluator who created the score. As before, the option to leave a comment is there.


Evaluator Via the Supervisor

Under this configuration the agent will be given the same option as the Supervisor Only setting.


The Supervisor, will receive the notification, however they will be presented with different options when they are reviewing the score. The Supervisor, under this configuration will be able to Reject the One to One request or to Escalate it to the Evaluator who marked the score.


When rejecting it, the Supervisor will be presented with the opportunity to leave a reason for why it was rejected.


When the score is escalated, the evaluator will receive a notification to advise of the escalation.


The Evaluator will then have the option to review the score and leave additional comments.

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