Updated 07/07/2020
To submit scores onto the Scorebuddy platform as part of agent’s Quality evaluation, the user follows these steps:
First, go to the Score tab.
Select the Group from the list by clicking the Group name.
Then select the Employee to be audited from the list of the agents that are assigned to that Group. User can take advantage of the search window to find the Employee by their name.
Next, select the Scorecard from the ones associated to that Group by clicking on the Scorecard name (the Scorecard needs to be active – locked padlock - to be available here).
The blank Scorecard form will open displaying the header information and the Scorecard questions to be filled in.
Submit the score after completing all questions, leaving the relevant comments, attaching files for the Employee's interaction with the customer.
The evaluation can be carried out only if there are Employees in the Group and the Scorecards associated to the Group are locked.