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General Reports
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

The General Reports will give an overview of the Employee performance. Use the filter to choose the data set you want to view. As with Snapshot, the search can be refined by Group, Team, and Scorecard. You can also select multiple Scorecards. You can also filter by Event Type and Event Sub-Type if you have included these in your Scorecard setup. If you want to filter further, you can select the "Advanced Filter" option where you can filter by Supervisor and Evaluator.

An example is shown below which has been run for one Group which has two Teams and two Scorecards have been selected. You will see that it returns the agent's name, the Scorecard category by percent, the Scorecard category by count, along with an option to view comments and causes:

Toggle results view

The table can display the results as a percentage or a number value. Clicking the "Numeric View" option in the top right-hand corner will switch from percentage to numeric (Note: the user must enter the maximum score achievable when building the scorecard if the scorecard maximum totals to a number other than 100. The number of evaluations used to calculate the average is shown against the score value).

To export the table to Excel for further reporting or analysis click "Download XLS" in the top right of the page as shown above.

The XLS download file will have very useful data on the percentage score, the number of scores, question comments, general summary comments, and causes.

Viewing Comments & Causes

You can view all the General summary comments and causes associated with the data set in the report by clicking on the speech bubble icon which then opens a new screen with the relevant comments and causes. You can then click on the Result to check out the evaluation page.

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