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Evaluations report
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

The Evaluations report gives you information on the number of Fail Section and Fail All answers and results - if you have used this function when designing your Scorecard's weighting, the number of scores per Employee (Evaluations), and the number of reviews that have been completed. You can also filter by Event Type and Event Sub-Type if you have included these in your Scorecard setup. If you want to filter further, you can select the "Advanced Filter" option where you can filter by Supervisor, Employee, Category, and Evaluator.

The report filter allows one to select a date range and to select the Group, Team, and Scorecard (depending on the administration rights of the viewer, for example, a Team Admin could not select Group). It is also possible to select multiple Scorecards.

To export the table to Excel for further reporting or analysis click ‘Download XLS’ in the top right of the page.

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