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Calibration Workflow
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Calibration is designed to assist in benchmarking scores by allowing multiple Quality Monitors/Managers, either internally, externally or both, to share and review a QA score together. Calibration is an important step in ensuring accuracy within your quality process. Through calibration, users record multiple scores to identify variations in the perception of a particular performance.

1) First a calibration list has to be created using results already submitted on the Scorebuddy platform.

2) The different calibration participants log into Scorebuddy, go to Calibration and score the Calibration list.

3) Once all calibrators have completed scoring the interactions on the calibration list, the Calibration Report can be released to everybody.

Calibration is available to the following profiles: Global Admins, Group Admins, Team Admins, Score & Calibrate & Reports, Score & Calibrate, Calibrate only, Advanced Analytics user, Advanced Supervisor, Supervisor.

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